Voucher Plus Terms & Conditions
- The Voucher Plus membership is offered to the public as an opt in and/or embedded membership providing a range of amazing deals, vouchers and discounts available throughout South Africa. These benefits are provided by Overflow Business Holdings.
- Membership Benefits are provided via a responsive website www.voucherplus.co.za
- Should the Member have any difficulties redeeming a voucher code a customer contact centre is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0861 474 238.
- Members of the programme receive either discounted rates and/or value added services across various lifestyle products.
- Overflow has secured a wide range of benefits in the form of discount opportunities from its subsidiaries, affiliates and from third party suppliers from time to time for the Member to participate in as a benefit.
- The following terms and conditions pertain to understanding and making the most of the Member’s membership benefits. These terms and conditions constitute an agreement between Overflow and the Member governing the rights and obligations of both parties each time the Member accesses the Voucher Plus Programme.
- By joining and accessing the Voucher Plus Programme either telephonically, online or in person, the Member confirms that he has read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these terms and conditions, as they may be amended from time to time and available on the Voucher Plus Website.
- If there is anything in the terms and conditions that requires an explanation, please contact our customer care centre on 0861 474 238.
- The Membership and Benefits are designed for you, as the member, to “Live more and Spend Less”.
In this Agreement, unless otherwise indicated by the context:
- the singular shall include the plural and vice versa;
- One gender shall include the other genders and vice versa;
- Natural persons shall include legal and juristic persons and vice versa; and
- Where figures are referred to in numerals and in words, if there is any conflict between the two, the words shall prevail.
- “Agreement” - means these terms and conditions together with the Member registration for the Voucher Plus Programme;
- “Business Day” - means any such day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or South African Public Holiday;
- “Overflow” - means Overflow Business Holdings registration number 2013/061566/07
- “Voucher Plus Programme” - means the programme offered to Members in terms of which they qualify for Voucher Plus Benefits and the Products and Services;
- “Voucher Plus Benefits” - means the deals, vouchers and discounts from leading south African retailers and businesses
- “Voucher Plus Contact Centre” - means the premises used to facilitate the provision of the Voucher Plus Benefits to Members;
- “Voucher Plus Website” - means the website at www.voucherplus.co.za;
- “Enrolment” - means the enrolment in the Voucher Plus Programme as set out in clause 4.1;
- “Member” - means any person who has successfully enrolled in the Voucher Plus Programme;
- “Membership Fee” - means the monthly consideration payable by the Member to Overflow;
- “Overflow Partner/s” - means any supplier appointed by Overflow to provides products or services to the Voucher Plus Programme in order to provide the Member with benefits from time to time;
- “Overflow Third Party Suppliers” – means any supplier appointed by Overflow to provides products or services to the Voucher Plus Programme in order to provide the Member with benefits from time to time;
- “Welcome Pack” - means the electronic information pack that the Member will receive via email on successfully registering for the Voucher Plus Programme.
- The following requirements need to be complied with to enroll as a member of the Voucher Plus platform:
4.1.1. completing the online voice recorded application form via our contact centre agent's outbound call; or completing an online membership form on the Voucher Plus Website;
4.1.2. Paying the Membership Fee via debit order
- Only individual persons from the age of 18 years old may enroll in the Voucher Plus Programme. If you are not at least 18, you may use the Voucher Plus platform only in conjunction with, and under the supervision of, your parent or guardian. If you do not qualify, please do not use the Voucher Plus website.
- Persons may only enroll in the Voucher Plus Programme for personal use.
- The full details of the Voucher Plus Benefits are available in the Welcome pack, on the Voucher Plus Website, or by calling the Voucher Plus Contact Centre on 0861 474 238.
- The Member can only make use of the Membership Benefits by logging onto www.voucherplus.co.za which is at the Member’s disposal 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
- Voucher Plus Benefits include but are not necessarily limited to the following services:
- Online and Instore Vouchers, deals and discounts available Nationwide
- Exclusive deals and promotions
- Competitions
- The use of the Voucher Plus Programme and the Voucher Plus Benefits shall be at the Member’s own initiative and risk.
- Overflow:
- merely provides access to the Membership Benefits;
- makes no representations, gives no warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the suitability of any Membership Benefits to the Member’s needs.
- The Voucher Plus benefits are subject to availability although every possible alternative or substitute product will be investigated should availability be limited.
- Overflow Partners are contracted to participate in the Voucher Plus Benefits. Overflow, its agents and distributors cannot be held responsible for any Partners that subsequently decline acceptance of any booking for reasons beyond Overflow’s control.
- Overflow, its agents and distributors accept no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for the misuse of the Voucher Plus Benefits and are not liable for any personal loss or injury at featured venues or through the use of suppliers.
- The Member will be responsible for the payment of any goods and services bought and used as a result of making use of Voucher Plus Benefits.
- Only a Member and his/her immediate family who reside at the same residence can make use of his Voucher Plus Benefits.
- Membership of the Voucher Plus Programme will be at Overflow’s sole discretion.
- The Member accepts that by participating in the Voucher Plus Programme, Overflow and/or its Suppliers will be sending to the Member various marketing communications and updates pertaining to the Voucher Plus Benefits at its sole discretion.
- Should the Member not wish to receive these communications or updates he must inform Overflow by calling the Voucher Plus Contact Centre on 0861 474 238 and we shall then refrain from sending them.
- The Member understands and agrees that goods or services purchased from any Voucher Plus Partners in terms of clauses 5.3.1 to 5.3.3, are governed by separate terms and conditions. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and the terms and conditions imposed by a Voucher Plus Partner in respect of the goods and services purchased from the Voucher Plus Partner, the terms and conditions of the Voucher Plus Partner will prevail.
- The Member will be required to pay a monthly membership fee. The membership fees are R29 per month inclusive of VAT as of the 1st December 2016. This fee is also set out on the Voucher Plus Website and may vary from time to time.
- The Member shall authorise Overflow and/or Overflow Third parties via his voice recorded or online membership enrolment to debit the bank account. The debit order will be processed as set out by the Member.
- The Member can only cancel his membership with the Voucher Plus Programme by calling the Voucher Plus Debit and Cancellations call centre on 031 812 5099
- Subject to clause 6.18 the Member may cancel his membership by giving 1 (one) calendar months’ notice of his intention to do so.
- If the Member cancels his membership, his debit order will also be cancelled.
- If a Member is cancelled for non–payment of membership fees and wants to re-join the Voucher Plus Programme, the Member may only make use of the Member Exclusive Discount offers in terms of clause 7 after the successful processing of the Members first debit order.
- The Membership Fee will be reviewed annually by Overflow who is entitled to determine the Membership Fee at its sole discretion. The Member will be notified of any changes to these fees within 30 days of such changes being effected.
- Overflow shall have the right to deregister the Member from the Voucher Plus Programme by giving him reasonable prior notice of 40 (forty) days in the event of any of the following:
- non-payment of the Membership Fee;
- abuse of the Voucher Plus Programme by a Member.
- Overflow reserves the right to change the criteria for deregistration at any time by giving the Member reasonable prior notice.
- Overflow shall be entitled, at its discretion, to terminate the Voucher Plus Programme at any time, and shall notify the Member of its decision by giving the Member reasonable prior notice of 40 (forty) days.
- Overflow will not be liable for any loss, expenses, claim(s) or damage, whether direct, indirect or consequential, arising from the use of the Voucher Plus Programme and the Member accordingly indemnifies Next against any such losses, expenses, claim(s) or damages, provided that such loss was not suffered due to the negligence Overflow and/or its Third Party Suppliers.
- The Member hereby warrants that he has the required legal capacity to enter into and be bound by this Agreement.
- Overflow reserves the right to amend this Agreement and Members have the right to cancel their Membership with no penalty should the terms of the new Agreement not be agreeable.
- It is the responsibility of the Member to inform Overflow of any changes in his personal details.
- Overflow reserves the right to change the Voucher Plus Partner/s that provide the Benefits to the Voucher Plus Programme based on Member usage, pricing, quality, availability of service or at Overflow’s sole discretion.
- Overflow and the Member agree to act in good faith.
- the Member must log onto www.voucherplus.co.za to make use of the deals, vouchers and discounts. Should you have any technical difficulties and you are unable to redeem a voucher code the Member must call 0861 474 238 for assistance. The Member must quote their membership number, mobile number or Identity number and inform the call centre agent of the deal they would like to redeem or the issue they are experiencing.
- Voucher Plus deals are not static, thus they may vary from time to time without prior notice.
- Overflow’s Partner/s Terms and Conditions are available directly on the Partner website. Deal Terms and Conditions are available on the Deal page.
- The Voucher Plus website may contain links to third party web sites or programmes that are not controlled by or affiliated with Voucher Plus. Voucher Plus is not responsible for the content, offers or privacy policies of such sites and programmes, including, without limitation, your redemption of such offers or a merchant's refusal to honour any offer. Your dealings with third party sites are solely between you and the applicable third party.
- Voucher Plus Competitions are open to all Voucher Plus members who are over the age of 18 years and who are live Voucher Plus members with a paid up membership.
- To become eligible as a winner, you must have "liked" the Voucher Plus fan page onFacebook or follow the Twitter page or otherwise have complied with the competition rules.
- Only one entry per prize draw/competition is allowed.
- You agree that your participation in the competition, and your acceptance and/or use of aprize, or any aspect thereof, is at your own risk.
- You may not participate in or win a competition if you have won a competition promoted by us within the past three months.
- Winners will be selected at a random draw and will be notified via telephone or on social media platforms.
- Winners will be announced within 2 (two) weeks after the competition end date.
- Winners might be asked for telephonic details to verify their membership.
- The judge’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into in this regard.
- Prizes are not transferable, non-refundable, and non-exchangeable and cannot be redeemed for cash.
- In the event that a winner cannot be successfully contacted following all reasonable attempts to do so, Voucher Plus reserves the right to disqualify that winner from the competition and to draw another winner in his or her stead.
- Overflow reserves the right to suspend Voucher Plus and its benefits in its sole discretion, including when any fraudulent activity is suspected, and if the outcome of an investigation proves that fraudulent activity did occur, Overflow, Overflow’s Partners and Overflow’s Third Party Suppliers shall be entitled to terminate the Voucher Plus service and/or benefits.
- Overflow, Overflow’s Partners and Overflow’s Third Party Suppliers may amend, modify or otherwise change these terms and conditions in its sole and absolute discretion on notice to you and the amended version will be displayed in the same media as these terms and conditions. By continuing to use Voucher Plus, you agree and understand that you will be bound by the amended terms and conditions.
- It is important that you understand that all customers who make use of Voucher Plus indemnify Overflow, Overflow’s Partners and Overflow’s Third Party Suppliers, its directors, affiliates, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, suppliers, contractors and sponsors against any loss or damages, either direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise, arising from their use of Voucher Plus and its benefits.
- You agree that these terms of service or any claim, dispute or controversy (whether in contract, tort or otherwise, whether pre-existing, present or future, and including statutory, common law and equitable claims) between you and Voucher Plus arising from or relating to these Terms of Service, their interpretation or breach, termination or validity, the relationships which result from these Terms of Service, the Voucher Plus website, Voucher Plus's advertising or any related transaction shall be governed by and contrued in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa.
- Any information that you submit or we collect when you are using the Voucher Plus website is subject to the Voucher Plus Privacy Policy.
- Voucher Plus and/or its licensors are the sole owners of the Voucher Plus website, which includes any software, domains, and content made available through it. The Voucher Plus website is protected by the Republic of South Africa and International copyright and other intellectual property laws. It is for your own personal and non-commercial use only, and Voucher Plus grants you a limited license for that purpose. Without limitation, this means that you may not sell, export, license, modify, copy, reverse engineer, distribute or transmit the Voucher Plus website without Voucher Plus’s prior express written permission. Any unauthorised use of the Voucher Plus website will terminate the limited license granted by us.
- Voucher Plus currently provides the Voucher Plus website to you for R29 per month. However, when you use the Voucher Plus website, you may be subject to charges imposed by your wireless or other applicable carrier. Payment of such charges is solely your responsibility. The Voucher Plus website may not be accessible in some foreign countries, this will depend on the Voucher Plus website being supported by the foreign network. You should check with the local carrier whether you will be required to pay additional charges for such access. The ability to download or access the Voucher Plus website may be restricted or impaired when on a roaming network abroad.
- You agree that Voucher Plus is free to use any comments, information or ideas contained in any communication you may send to Voucher Plus without compensation, acknowledgement or payment to you for any purpose whatsoever, including, but not limited to, developing, manufacturing and marketing products and services and creating, modifying or improving the Voucher Plus website or other products or services.